There ever was only one way to be saved.
One Gospel / One Way
What is the difference OT / NT?
- See “Rediscovering the Holy Spirit” book
- Continuity in the OT and NT is Justification
- In the NT – With the end of sacrificial system, along with that is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- John 7:39 – The indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As yet (OT), not given.
- We have to be united to the glorified Christ.
- After Pentecost, we all have the same “amount” of the Holy Spirit. In the OT, the Holy Spirit came but did not indwell.
- John 14-16. “He is with you and will be in you”
- Eph 4. All have the Holy Spirit. Gifts are measured to each, preachers, teachers, etc.
What Baptism in the Holy Spirit Really means.
- 1 Cor 12:13. The only text that tells us what Baptism in the Holy Sprit means. The other 6 mentions are telling us it is coming.
- We are Baptized by One Spirit into one.
- Second Baptism is not orthodox. How can you be saved and not in the body?
- Baptism of the spirit is at the point of conversion and is not mentioned in the text as a doorway to “special administrative gifts”. This is a construct of new theology honed into an entire belief system since the 1800’s. Experience and Emotion over orthodoxy.