The Holy Spirit




To be clear, Answers In Scripture does not ascribe to a “second Baptism in the Holy Spirit”, special extra Holy Spirit for some believers, and other charismatic beliefs.  But that does not diminish belief in the power of the Holy Spirit one bit.  I commend to you the below references on the topic from highly qualified theologians.  My 2 cents on understanding the Holy Spirit and its differences in the OT and NT are as follows:

  • OT and NT believers are justified the same way through a regenerated heart by the Holy Spirit.
  • OT believers walked with God and in the presence of God, such as in the Temple.
  • On Jesus death, the vail was torn in the Temple, and the presence of God left there.
  • On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out on His people including the apostles and all believers from that day.  The stone temple became a temple of souls known as the bride of Christ, unified by the Holy Spirit.  There will be no rebuilding of a stone Temple in Jerusalem.  It is finished.
  • Charismatic gifts do come to people from God for His special purpose.  
  • Charismatic gifts are not something a person can aspire to or “learn”.
  • Word of faith Charismatics are all false.
  • Many Charismatics that are not Word of Faith are false, though some are otherwise orthodox.
  • I recommend staying away from the Charismatic teachings where you “learn” your gifts, because they are not learned, they are given.
  • God could impart charismatic gifts today, but there would be no doubt in a true believer where it came from and there would be no errors in it.  Otherwise, what we have seen since the establishment of the 1st century church is a cessation of charismatic gifts


There ever was only one way to be saved.

One Gospel / One Way


The difference in OT and NT operation of the Holy Spirit.


  • From the OT perspective, here now and not yet.

Charismatic gifts for offices and operations in the Holy Spirit in the OT.


  • From the OT perspective, the here now and not yet.

What is the difference OT / NT?


  • See “Rediscovering the Holy Spirit” book
  • Continuity in the OT and NT is Justification
  • In the NT – With the end of sacrificial system, along with that  is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  • John 7:39 – The indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  As yet (OT), not given.
  • We have to be united to the glorified Christ.  
  • After Pentecost, we all have the same “amount” of the Holy Spirit.  In the OT, the Holy Spirit came but did not indwell.
  • John 14-16.  “He is with you and will be in you”
  • Eph 4.  All have the Holy Spirit.  Gifts are measured to each, preachers, teachers, etc.

Teaching Series, highly recommended deep dive on Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit.


What Baptism in the Holy Spirit Really means.


  • 1 Cor 12:13.  The only text that tells us what Baptism in the Holy Sprit means. The other 6 mentions are telling us it is coming.  
  • We are Baptized by One Spirit into one.
  • Second Baptism is not orthodox.  How can you be saved and not in the body?  
  • Baptism of the spirit is at the point of conversion and is not mentioned in the text as a doorway to “special administrative gifts”.  This is a construct of new theology honed into an entire belief system since the 1800’s.  Experience and Emotion over orthodoxy.