Cessation according to Scripture

Answers in Scripture ascribes to Biblically taught cessation, as described in the below documentary.

  • Cessationists give not one inch of ground:
  • On the reality of miracles!
  • On God answering our prayers!
  • On God not changing His mind, but He does change things.
  • On participation in the great commission.




  • Apostolic gifts have ceased.
  • God hears our petitions and heals.  
  • We go boldly directly to the throne of grace, not to an apostle.
  • A person does not have the apostolic gift of healing.
  • NAR is a false religion.
  • Speaking baby talk to God and calling it tongues is worshipping an idol.
Exposing the Troubled Foundation of the Charismatic Movement l
Justin Peters

Apostolic gifts were given to Jesus disciples, do these continue today or did they cease?

Cessation Position

Jonathan Edwards

Biblical Prophecy

Justin Peters- In the Octagon of Truth

Charismatic Continuation Position who did not sign the “Prophetic Standards Statement” which many false teachers signed.

John Piper

Charismatic Continuation Position who signed the “Prophetic Standards Statement” along with many false teachers.

Wayne Grudem

Sam Storms

Mark Driscoll

Note on Word of Faith and Continuation:  There is a difference in the Word of Faith movement and Charismatics.  All Word of Faith preachers are false and Charismatic.  Not all Charismatics are Word of Faith.  So, we can conclude some Charismatics that are not Word of Faith may hold to otherwise orthodox beliefs.  However, the differences in doctrine are great and your position impacts doctrine.

For example, in charismatic circles, including John Piper, it is acceptable to “hear a message from God for someone else”.  So, if you would not be comfortable with someone coming up to you and saying, “God gave me this message for you about your future” look for churches similar to those on our Church search page.

  • Answering the charismatic critic who claims Cessationists are full of hate.  So says the angry cussing “pastor”.

  • The infamous cussing pastor defrocked from Mars Hill, Mark Driscoll (formerly John Piper endorsed) takes out his flaming arrows at 2,000 years of church history so he can embrace word of faith. If you find a pastor that says they are a former Reformed now Continuationist, run for the hills.  

FEB 28,2024


June 23, 2024