The Gospel

Understanding Salvation

Church buildings are beleaguered with false Gospel presentations.  What is The Gospel?

What is Salvation, and what it is not.



Decisionism is an Enemy 


Possible answers to, “Are you saved?”

  1. Yes, because my parents decided to have me baptized.
  2. Yes, because I decided to say a prayer.
  3. Yes, because I am a good person.
  4. Yes, because I am looking unto Jesus and there is mighty evidence giving me assurance of being born again through my desires being changed and aligned with scripture.  God made me a new person.  



Our Helper, The Holy Spirit – Sinclair Ferguson Video

The Problem of Evil

The Gospel Explained – Justin Peters Article

Why do people die? – 4:44 AiG Video

Science proves God? – 9:44 Ray Comfort Video 

The Sinners Prayer

I have thought about Christianity, but...  28: 29 Wretched Video

The Best Argument for the Existence of God – 4:23 Dr. Lisle Video

A Muslim finds Jesus.  3 min Video

The Old Testament  – Revealed Christ,  12 min Wretched Video