On AiS – Dr Miller Presents



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About Dr. Miller

On AiS – Dr. Miller Presents was formed in June of 2023 with a three-fold purpose: explain Scripture, engage society, and equip saints. This three-fold purpose has grown out of nearly 25 years of pastoral ministry in the local church. The dearth of biblical knowledge, sound doctrine, and historic orthodoxy within many churches and among many self-identifying Christians is at a crisis level. Without firm, orthodox doctrine and solid, biblical foundation the contemporary church has not fared well in standing against attacks from within and from without. Often, the church has been impacted by the culture more than the culture has been impacted by the church. Similarly, many churches seem to be modeled after culture more than modeled after the ecclesiastical instructions in the New Testament. As a result, not only are churches struggling to accomplish the mission of God and maintain the message of God, but Christians are lacking a reliable, transformative faith.

On AiS – Dr. Miller Presents seeks to explain God’s Word through the exegetical preaching ministry of Dr. Clint Miller, Senior Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. In addition to sermons, Dr. Miller Presents will provide instruction concerning various biblical doctrines and truths through short digital instruction, whitepapers, and other speakers and preachers.

On AiS – Dr. Miller Presents seeks to engage society with the truth of God’s Word. As culture continues to degrade, the hope, joy, and optimism of Christ and His church will continue to shine brightly. Followers of Christ should not give up or give in to the unslaught of demonic attacks against truth in general and the truth of the Bible specifically. Likewise, Christians should not allow the satanic deception plaguing our national leaders, public schools, major corporations, media, and the entertainment industry to obscure the beauty and hope of the Gospel. Furthermore, Christians should not allow unbiblical movements to influence the church. Jesus Christ has already crushed the head of the serpent. He is currently ruling and reigning over the Kingdom of God, subduing all His enemies. His Second Coming is not in doubt. Therefore, Christians should be of good cheer because our Lord and Savior has overcome the world. The church should not shrink back but move forward exposing satanic error and explaining scriptural truth with full confidence, because Scripture states clearly that the followers of Christ are more than conquerors.

On AiS – Dr. Miller Presents seeks to equip saints of God all over the world. The ministry will not only present biblical preaching and teaching through on-line means, but conferences, training opportunities, mission trips, and podcasts will occur on a regular basis.

About The Founder

Dr. Clint Miller is the Senior Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Lakeland, Florida. Pastor Clint began pastoral ministry in 1999. After many years of wrestling with God’s call to ministry, Pastor Clint surrendered to God’s call on a Sunday Night at Shady Grove Baptist Church in Carrollton, Georgia. Pastor Clint, and his wife Tammy, moved to New Orleans soon after his surrender to ministry.

Pastor Clint spent the next twelve years studying and preparing academically for the ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Pastor Clint earned a M.Div. in Pastoral Ministry, a Th.M. in Theological and Historical Studies, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from NOBTS. Prior to the move to New Orleans, Pastor Clint earned a B.A. in Marketing and a M.Ed. in Business Education from the State University of West Georgia. Four years after completing his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, Pastor Clint enrolled at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He earned a second Ph.D. in Preaching from SEBTS. Academic, theological education has been a mainstay in Pastor Clint’s life for over two decades. During his twenty year academic training, Pastor Clint served as Senior Pastor in churches throughout the Southeast.

Pastor Clint is married to the love of his life, Tammy Miller. After meeting on a blind date, the two were engaged after a couple of weeks of dating and married five months later. Pastor Clint and Tammy have two grown children: Clinton and Madison.

Pastor Clint is an avid weightlifter, a recreational fisherman, and a passionate football coach. Pastor Clint coached back-to-back State Championship football teams in Georgia. Clinton, his son, was the starting center and nose guard for these teams. Ms. Tammy and Madison were the water girls for the second championship team. Pastor Clint is currently the head coach of a local high school football team in Lakeland.